Below is a playlist containing some short and documentary length videos related to Dance (scroll down to see the entire list). You can take a further look at their Dance video collection or search for videos like these via Films on Demand:
NOTE: In order to view the playlist from off-campus, you must be signed in to your MyVVC account.
1. Dancetime! 500 Years of Social Dance 1 (45:01) 2. Belly Dancing (05:02)
3. Rock Steady Crew: The Story (07:48)
4. Ethnic Dance-Han: The Heritage of Chinese Culture and Dance (08:20)
5. Early History of Ballet (08:32)
6. Tap Dance History: From Vaudeville to Film (45:38)
7. When Hip Hop Becomes Art: Revitalizing Contemporary Dance (53:25)
8. Group Dance (53:44)
9. Rhythm Of The Dance: PBS On Location In Ireland (56:53)
10. Discovering Dance on Film (01:06:52)