Please Read Before Starting the Tutorial
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The library tutorial is designed for students who are currently enrolled in an section of English 101 or an English 101 transfer. The tutorial must be completed by all students to fulfill the "Information Competency" graduation requirement for an associate degree at Victor Valley College.
Although you will be completing this tutorial for English 101, it is intended to provide you with research skills that can be applied to any class while attending VVC. It will also be important if you are planning to transfer to a four year college or university, in that you will be expected to have already acquired the research skills needed to successfully complete upper division courses. As you work through the tutorial, keep in mind not only the assignments for English 101, but also other classes requiring you to locate information for research. (Example: locating scholarly journals for Sociology, finding primary sources for History, locating case studies for Child Development, etc.)
- During this tutorial you will learn how to:
- Start a research process to select and focus your topic
- Search the library catalog to find and identify books and other materials
- Search library databases to find and identify full-text articles
- Search and evaluate Internet resources
- Locate and use reference books
- Cite sources using the MLA format