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Library Services: Borrowing Materials


Borrowing Materials & IEALC Cards

All registered students are eligible to check out library materials, use library services and use library resources. Students must show a current Student I.D. card or proof of registration (from Self-Service) and a photo ID, such as a driver's license, may be requested at the time materials are being checked out if a student cannot provide current Student ID. 

Loan Periods

Materials Loan Period Limit Fines
Books 3 weeks 6 none
Videos/DVD's 1 week 1 none
Reserve Videos/DVD's 2 days 1 none









Student Accountability

As listed in the VVC Student Handbook:(Page 40) “Debts Owed to the College: Debts pending with Victor Valley College for loans, tuition, returned checks, athletic equipment, ASB fees, library books and/or book fees, failure to adjudicate outstanding vehicle parking citations, or failure to pay for other services will result in a student not being able to register until all debts are cleared. In addition, the student’s academic records will not be released until the debt is cleared.”

All VVC faculty members may check out library materials using their current VVC I.D. card.

Loan Periods

Materials Loan Period Limit Fines
Books 1 semester none none
Videos/DVD's 7 days none none

College Staff
All VVC staff members may check out library materials using their current staff I.D. card.

Loan Periods

Materials Loan Period Limit Fines
Books 3 weeks none  none
Videos/DVD's 7 days none none
Reserve Videos/DVD's non-circulating none none

Members of the community residing within the college district boundaries may borrow materials by becoming a member of the Friends of the Library. The annual fee is $12.00 and a person must be 18 years or older. Community members must show a current California driver's license or DMV identification card with a local address. 

Loan Periods

Materials Loan Period Limit Fines
Books 3 weeks 4 none
Videos/DVD's 7 days 1 none

Renewing Library Materials

  • Library materials (with the exception of Videos and DVDs) can be renewed online via the library catalog under Sign In or by contacting the Circulation Desk at 760-245-4271, ext. 2262. Renewals must be made on or before the item's due date. A maximum of two renewals are allowed unless another patron has placed a hold on an item. Individuals are responsible for all materials checked out under their name.
  • All questions about previously checked out materials or current fines can be answered by contacting the Circulation Desk.
  • The library will send a notice as a reminder of overdue materials. Patrons will be billed for the cost of replacing any item or items, plus a processing fee for all unreturned materials. Processing fees and fines are nonrefundable. Transcripts, grades, and registration clearance will be held until your status with the library is cleared.
  • Changes in addresses or telephone numbers must be reported to the library. A claim of failure to receive an overdue notice will not prevent an individual from being billed for fines and lost materials.

Lost Items

  • The library will send a notice as a reminder of overdue materials. Patrons will be billed for the cost of replacing any item or items. Transcripts, grades, and registration clearance will be held until your status with the library is cleared.
  • Changes in addresses or telephone numbers must be reported to the library. A claim of failure to receive an overdue notice will not prevent an individual from being billed for fines and lost materials.

VVC students who are registered with the library may apply for an IEALC (Inland Empire Academic Libraries Cooperative) card at the circulation desk. The purpose of the card is to provide students borrowing privileges from other member libraries for special research needs that extend beyond the resources of the VVC collection. The card is available only to students; faculty and staff are not included in the agreement. Students are solely responsible for all borrowed materials and must abide by the local lending rules of each library. Contact the Circulation Desk (245-4271, ex.2262) for further information.

Library Hours

February 18 - June 14

Monday - Thursday: 8AM - 9PM

Friday - Saturday: 8AM - 4PM

Sunday / Holidays - CLOSED

Upcoming Holidays: Apr 14-19