Citing Online Articles in APA
Since online materials can potentially change URL's, APA recommends providing a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), when it is available. DOI's are an attempt to provide stable links for online articles. They are unique to their documents and consist of a long alphanumeric code. APA states this it is not necessary to include the database in a citation because databases change over time (p. 296). However, some of VVC's database subscriptions use URLs that do not identify the name of the database, so we include the database in these examples. Students should check with their instructor regarding citation requirements and formats.
- Use the DOI number when provided for sources found on the Internet.
Example: doi:10.1542/peds.2007-2361
- Use the URL for articles without a DOI and all other Internet sources.
Magazine article from an online database - Academic Search Complete
Shah, N. (2012, May 23). Teenage birthrates. Education Week, 31(32), 5.
Scholarly journal article from an online database (volume with continuous pagination and DOI) Academic Search Complete
Fischer-Betz, R., Specker, C., Brinks, R., & Schneider, M. (2012). Pregnancy outcome in patients
with antiphospholipid syndrome after cerebral ischaemic events: An observational study.
Lupus, 21, 1183-1189.
Scholarly journal article from an online database (each issue in volume starts with page 1 and no DOI) Academic Search Complete
Mohammad, M., & Mohammad, H. (2012). Computer integration into the early childhood curriculum.
Education, 133(1), 97-116.
Newspaper article online database - Newspaper Source Plus (no DOI)
Gelston, D. (2021, May 16). Larson repays school with Zoom visit. The Washington Post.
Article from an online database - CQ Researcher
Billitteri, T. (2009, October 16). Human spaceflight: Are missions to the moon and Mars
feasible? CQ Researcher, 19(36), 861-884. CQ Researcher.
Electronic Book Citation: eBook Collection (EBSCOHost)
Black, B., & Weisel, G.J. (2010). Global warming. Greenwood.
Book chapter from an online database - Opposing Viewpoints in Content
Paluzzi, P., & Kahn, A. (2009). Abuse in childhood impacts the sexual, reproductive, and
parenting behaviors of young men. In H. Williams (Ed.), Opposing viewpoints: Child
abuse. Greenhaven Press.
Article from an online encyclopedia
Graham, G. (2019). Behaviorism. In E.N. Zalta (Ed.), The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy (Summer 2019 ed.). Stanford University.
Internet source - Online scholarly journal article with DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
Johnson, C. P., Myers, S.M., & Council on Children with Disabilities. (2007). Identification and
evaluation of children with autism spectrum disorders. Pediatrics, 120, 1183-1215.
Internet source - Online magazine article
Barrett, J. (2007, December 5). The price of childhood obesity. Newsweek.
Internet source - Government or corporate report
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2009). Skin cancer prevention.
Internet source - No date on source
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (n.d.). Climate observation and monitoring.
Internet source - Sponsored by institution or university
Riddle, L. (2009, April 29). Biographies of women mathematicians. Agnes College.