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Geography Research Guide



This guide is designed to assist students enrolled in Geography courses with locating Library resources for their research assignments. The guide is organized into steps that cover the basic research process for locating and citing relevant sources used in writing a paper or other projects. For general research assistance other than Geography, view the links listed under Research Tools.

Subject keyword search terms related to Geography include:

Topography • Physical geography •  Urban geography •  Human geography • Agricultural geography•  Economic geography • Cultural geography • Political geography •  Rural geography • Landscape geography • Earthquake • Rain forest • Coastal erosion • Coastal changes • Fault • Faultline • Mountains • Forest • Desert • Coastline • Valley • Volcano • Wetland • Wilderness • Terrain • Oceans  • (Insert Name)-Hemisphere  • (Country Name)  • Maps  • Mapmaking  • Atlas • Cartography • Geosystems